Emma Bridals

Retailer Portal


Registered accounts are for trade customers only; we only sell to retailers with a physical premises. If you are a bride please use our stockist locator to find your nearest retailer who will be able to help you choose and purchase the perfect items for your wedding.

If you are a retailer and would like to register please provide your details below. We will verify your details and send you a code as soon as we can.

  • Gain entry to the Emma Bridals Retailer Portal
  • Quick access to all our products, new lines, video webcasts and special offers
  • Flexible ordering, delivery and finance options available to our retailers
  • There is no obligation to purchase after registering

Request Access

If you are a trade customer and would like to register please provide your details below.
If you have been sent an Invitation Code please enter it here.

Handmade in the UK

We design and make everything in England and we believe this makes our accessories special.

Made to Order

We can respond to your needs at the drop of a tiara; we aren’t making hundreds of the same design and shipping them across the world in a container. This means if you would like a different colour or size, that is no problem and it will not slow us down.

Award Winning Customer Service

Access to our customer service teams 8am – 5.30pm five days a week